Troy Hendrick

(404) 310-9795

Decatur, Georgia

About Troy Hendrick

Troy Hendrick is an experienced and creative trial lawyer in DeKalb County, Georgia. Troy’s firm has been operating from the same office in the shadow of the DeKalb County courthouse for 10 years. He is a former prosecutor with an impressive and constantly growing resume who has handled thousands of cases from DUI, drugs, violent crimes, traffic and civil cases, and many others throughout his career.

Troy has always been connected to the country’s roadways. He spent several years before his legal career using his undergraduate journalism degree as a motorcycle travel journalist for the national magazine publication RoadRunner Motorcyle Cruising and Touring. Troy feels strongly that this career contributed to his ability to understand people of all walks in this diverse country. After all—it is people who end up in the jury box. All too often, egotistical lawyers treat jurors like an audience that is there to watch and learn from them. Troy learned that if you don’t understand people, if you don’t listen to them, if you can’t see things the way they do—they’ll never trust you. At the end of the day, it’s Troy’s sincere passion about and understanding of people that makes him a winning trial lawyer.

In addition to Troy’s impressive career as a traditional criminal defense attorney, Troy pays homage to his roots on the roadways in the law firm—his employees maintain the largest traffic defense division in the State of Georgia. The experience of the office Troy created 10 years ago is unsurpassed in traffic defense. Troy’s traffic defense division has been around longer than others in the same field have been practicing law.

Additionally, over the years, Troy expanded his persuasive trial tactics to Personal Injury and Accident representation. Troy’s understanding of the laws of the roadway, his experience of putting hundreds of thousands of miles on a motorcycle, and his extensive and detailed understanding of traffic accidents through the traffic defense division all provided perfect experience to put his skills to work for those injured in auto accidents and other personal injury claims.

Troy has lectured for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council, the Judges and staff of the now-defunct (thanks to Troy, see below) Dekalb Recorder’s Court, trained law enforcement officers in search-and-seizure law, and been a guest on the Midnight Trucking Radio Network answering legal questions from professional drivers all over the country, and is frequently contacted for expert opinions by local news media.

Practice Areas

  • Personal injury
  • DUI and DWI
  • Criminal defense
  • Speeding and traffic ticket


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Contact Troy Hendrick

(404) 310-9795

Decatur, Georgia

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