Tom Young

(254) 434-4446

Harker Heights, Texas

About Tom Young

Thomas Young worked construction since the age of 11. At 17 years old he joined the United States Army. In 2008, Thomas Young completed his service with the US Military after being a Staff Sergeant in the US Army as a Cavalry Scout. Afterwards, Thomas Young was a police officer in Texas and after approximately six years, God called him to be an attorney. Thomas went to Liberty University School of Law and graduated at the top 25% of his class. Soon after law school Thomas Young started his own firm in order to serve God and serve people where he continues to strive to do so every day.


Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Personal Injury and Motor Vehicle
  • Estates / Legal Life Planning
  • Small Business Formation


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Contact Tom Young

(254) 434-4446

Harker Heights, Texas

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