Terry Miller

(706) 278-2040

Dalton, Georgia

About Terry Miller

Terry L. Miller began his law practice in June 1975 after being sworn as a member of the State Bar of Georgia by Judge Robert L. Vining in Murray County Superior Court and immediately participating in the trial defense of a criminally accused client.

Terry took a leave of absence from Mitchell & Mitchell from 1977-1979 to serve as Administrative Assistant to U.S. Representative Ed Jenkins. He has also served as a city attorney for the City of Dalton, Georgia (1987-1997) and for the City of Eton, Georgia (1987- ). In addition to litigation, he manages the firm’s real estate practice. In 2012, he began serving on the Board of Governors on the State Bar of Georgia.

Practice Areas

  • Real Estate
  • Litigation
  • Criminal Defense


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Contact Terry Miller

(706) 278-2040

Dalton, Georgia

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