Steven Floman

(203) 795-1211

Orange, Connecticut

About Steven Floman

Steve prides himself on being able to communicate easily with anyone who reaches out to him for help. If he can’t find a solution to your problem, he’ll put you in touch with someone who can. He also prides himself on being able to talk with you and not talk down to you. He likes to say “if my mother can’t understand what I wrote or said, I need to do it over and make it clearer.”

Steve has always had a soft spot for anyone who needs help. His first 5 years of practice were with the New Haven Legal Assistance Association providing legal services for people who needed help but had no money. Since entering private practice in 1972, he’s continued to be committed to providing affordable legal services. The Connecticut Bar Association has recognized him with Letters of Commendation for his pro bono activities.

Steve’s roots in New Haven and the greater New Haven Community run deep. He was born in New Haven, graduated from Hillhouse, and other than his 3 years of law school, he’s lived in New Haven or Milford his entire life.

Steve’s personal roots also run deep. Steve and Susan have been married for 54 years and were high school sweethearts before that. Their 2 children, Betsy and Jon, and their 6 grandchildren are the center of their worlds.

Steve recognizes that everyone who comes to him has a different story to tell. He likes to say that family stories are as unique as fingerprints. Whether you’re an older couple/person worried about living independently, a middle-aged couple/person worried about aging parents and young grandchildren, or  a young couple/individual worried about raising children and saving money, he’s committed to capturing the unique story of you and your family.


Practice Areas

  • Personal injury
  • Wills and living wills
  • Insurance
  • Real estate


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Contact Steven Floman

(203) 795-1211

Orange, Connecticut

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