Phil Gerard

(602) 322-4016

Phoenix, Arizona

About Phil Gerard

Phil was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but at an early age, his family moved to Iowa.  He attended Iowa State University and Coe College, receiving his B.A. from Coe College in 1968 and his J.D. from Drake University in 1973.

Phil’s litigation experience in family law matters includes the analysis and trial presentation of separate and community property issues, business valuations, the community or separate property characterization of retirement plans, stock options, restricted stock, and other management level compensation plans, spousal maintenance claims and various tax aspects of these financial issues.  These issues frequently involve working with forensic experts, including accountants and valuation experts.

Although Phil’s litigation experience has been almost exclusively family law matters since 2000, in the earlier years of his practice, he also had extensive involvement in commercial and/or business litigation, in both federal and Arizona state courts, including anti-trust litigation and securities class actions, as well as other types of business disputes.

In addition to his above-referenced memberships, Phil served as a member of the Arizona Family Law Advisory Commission for Certification of Family Law Specialists, and was a member of the Arizona Revised Jury Instruction Committee, including the original subcommittee on jury instructions in contract cases. He has been a speaker for numerous CLE presentations for the Arizona and Maricopa County CLE programs, as well as Law Education Institute’s national seminars, with an emphasis on business, property and tax aspects of family law litigation


  • Coe College
    5008, 1220 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, United 1968
  • Drake University
    2507 University Ave, Des Moines, IA 50311, United States 1973

Practice Areas

  • Corporate Family Law


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Contact Phil Gerard

(602) 322-4016

Phoenix, Arizona

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