Justin Michael

(616) 940.9991

Grand Rapids, Michigan

About Justin Michael

Justin Michael started law school later in life. Prior avocations include teaching, business ownership and real estate brokerage. If this firm doesn’t specialize in a particular area of law, we refer clients to tested and trusted specialists.

     Justin Michael specializes in real estate, business, contracts and estate planning.

     Mr. Michael has been licensed as a real estate salesman, then broker, since 1974. He was sworn into the practice of law in 1982.

     Justin has served as in-house counsel and vice-president of real estate for a publicly traded company, president of a real estate investment company and founded this firm in 1994.

Practice Areas

  • Business
  • Real Estate
  • Contracts
  • Estate Planning


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Contact Justin Michael

(616) 940.9991

Grand Rapids, Michigan

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