Jeffrey Cohen

(310) 285-7373

Beverly Hills, California

About Jeffrey Cohen

He has been named by Variety to both its Dealmakers Impact List and Legal Impact List. He has been profiled by The Hollywood Reporter, The ABA Journal, Chambers Associate, Law Crossing and others.

is first book, The Dealmaker’s Ten Commandments: Ten Essential Tools for Business Forged in the Trenches of Hollywood was published by the American Bar Association’s imprint Ankerwycke in 2015.

An active writer, he has authored numerous articles discussing business and legal matters for CNBC, The Huffington Post, Backstage, Lawyerist and others.

Jeff received his Juris Doctor from UCLA Law School with an emphasis in business law and his undergraduate degree from The University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business. While at UC Berkeley, Jeff served as President of the Associated Students of the University of California.

Jeff has a unique background growing up as a child actor in the entertainment industry. His most notable role was playing ‘Chunk’ in the cult Richard Donner/Steven Spielberg film The Goonies.

Practice Areas

  • Transactional acnd Entertainment Law


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Contact Jeffrey Cohen

(310) 285-7373

Beverly Hills, California

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