Brian Goldman

(516) 773-8585

Garden City, New York

About Brian Goldman

Brian S. Goldman, Esq. has been an attorney admitted to the New York State Bar since 1986; he also was admitted to the California State Bar in 1985. Brian S. Goldman, Esq. obtained his college degree from UCLA and his Juris Doctorate from Southwestern University School of Law, located in Los Angeles, California.Brian S. Goldman, Esq. is admitted to practice law before all of the Courts in the State of New York and California and is a member of the Federal Courts in both States, as well as the Supreme Court of the United States.

Since 2006, Brian S. Goldman, Esq., has concentrated his efforts and devoted a substantial amount of time and energy in representing children with special needs in claims against their school districts. Brian S. Goldman, Esq. has diligently and successfully handled dozens of cases against the New York City Department of Education and has conducted over 40 Impartial Hearings to conclusion. Brian S.Goldman, Esq. has not only successfully handled impartial hearings, but has been 100% successful in all of the appeals brought by the New York City Department of Education seeking to overturn the results obtained in Impartial Hearings.

Brian S. Goldman, Esq. personally handles each and every special education case from commencement to conclusion. He prides himself in providing the individualized attention to the case and fully educates all of his clients of their rights under the Indiviudals with Disabilities Education Act.

Brian S. Goldman, Esq. has handled numerous cases involving children who have been categorized as “speech & Language Impaired,” “Learning Disabled,” “Emotionally Disabled” and on the “Autism Spectrum.”


  • Southwestern University School of Law
    3050 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Matrimonial & Family Law
  • Real Estate


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Contact Brian Goldman

(516) 773-8585

Garden City, New York

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