Andrew Talai

(213) 896-6148

Los Angeles, California

About Andrew Talai

Andrew B. Talai is a member of Sidley’s Supreme Court and Appellate and Commercial Litigation and Disputes practices.  Andrew represents individual and corporate clients at all stages of litigation, with particular emphasis on appeals and critical motions.  He has experience handling major cases that present challenging legal questions, including issues of constitutional law, statutory interpretation and administrative law.


  • J.D., University of California, Berkeley School of Law
    2763-2719 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 2014
  • B.A., University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
    Los Angeles, CA 90095 2010

Practice Areas

  • Appellate
  • Commercial Litigation
  • individual
  • corporate


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Contact Andrew Talai

(213) 896-6148

Los Angeles, California

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