Andrew Sohn

(714) 661-5938

Brea, California

About Andrew Sohn

When Andrew was in his freshman year at UC San Diego, he had his future all laid out. He would pursue a teaching career teaching at-risk youth in communities all around Los Angeles and Orange County. That was it; there was nothing else he could think of as a possible career choice. That was also when he was asked to shift gears and attend law school instead, in the hopes of pursuing his father’s dream and protecting his family’s legacy. This shift in career path was also aimed at protecting his family’s many business ventures. Even though he struggled internally, Andrew complied with their request because throughout his life, he came to understand certain things about his family. He understood the sacrifices that were made by his immigrant parents as they worked tirelessly starting one business after another, with some failures along the way. He understood the commitment his father and mother both had in crafting these successful business ventures. He understood their heart to provide the very best for the next generation and their family. He also understood that he needed to use his education in law as a way to protect his family and their businesses.

Due to these considerations that Andrew had grasped at a young age, he knew what he had to do when making his ultimate career choice. He had also acquired those very qualities that had made his parents successful; and those same qualities served him well early in his legal career as he found himself trying out different practice areas, including business litigation, insurance defense litigation, and premises liability. He was commended by his superiors at different firms for his work ethic, ability to sacrifice, determination, positive attitude, and character. Andrew’s experience in litigation was a rite of passage, and although litigation sometimes brought out the worst in people, it did not impact Andrew in negative ways. Anchored by his love for people, he remained focused and hardworking, positive and determined to do his best under whatever circumstances he found himself in.

One night in early 2017, when Andrew was sitting in his skyscraper office, conveniently located on the top floor of his prestigious firm, he had a moment of realization that would ultimately change the course of his life. He was the last one in the office yet again, and had stayed late to meet the firm’s deadlines and billing responsibilities. On that particular day, he took a moment to peer out onto the Los Angeles skyline. There was an energy in the city, and so much going on out there that he desperately wanted to be a part of. He could not shake the feeling that came over him, this sense of dissatisfaction and loss of purpose. The money was great, the prestige was even greater, and being recognized among his peers was the greatest feeling in the world, but it was still not enough. Andrew realized that he had lost who he was, and had forgotten that he was not created just to be a part of this rat race.

He thought about what it could look like to pursue a career in law but still genuinely care for people and experience true satisfaction and joy as a result, and the one person who came to his mind happened to be Gahram.  He then sought out her counsel in an afternoon lunch that would shift the direction of his life. He desperately wanted to mirror the same care (for her clients) and drive to serve, without worrying about how to make billable hours and increase profit for insurance carriers. He wanted to serve local businesses (just like the ones his parents ran), he wanted to be involved in business groups and leadership groups, and he wanted that valuable time back which he could share with loved ones and those that mattered so much to him. Gahram took a chance on Andrew because she believed that he shared the same vision and possessed qualities that could greatly contribute to Avodah Law Group®, and agreed to take him on in April 2017.

Avodah Law Group®, a PLC has helped Andrew maintain who he is and pursue what he ultimately set out to do. He can now serve his family’s businesses and help other individuals with their many business ventures utilizing the law in a practical way to help achieve other people’s dreams. There is no greater reward for Andrew as he can come in every day with the understanding that he can use his people skills, commitment, and excellent work ethic to help others succeed and reach their business goals.


  • Whittier Law School, J.D- Deans Merit Scholar
  • University of California – San Diego (UCSD), B.A. in Political Science
  • Provost Honors, cum laude
  • Cornell University- Certificate in Business Strategy

Practice Areas

  • Estate planning
  • Business Transactions
  • Business Counseling
  • Business Formation
  • International Business


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Contact Andrew Sohn

(714) 661-5938

Brea, California

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