Andrew Portinga

(616) 831.1772

Grand Rapids, Michigan

About Andrew Portinga

Andy Portinga has been practicing for over
twenty years, primarily in federal court. He is
the past president of the Federal Bar
Association for the Western District of
Michigan, and he has chaired the United States
Courts Committee for the State Bar of
Michigan. He has appeared in over 200 cases
in the Western District of Michigan and over
100 cases in the Eastern District of Michigan.
He has argued cases in the Sixth Circuit Court
of Appeals and the Seventh Circuit Court of
Appeals, and he has litigated cases in federal
courts in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky,
California, Massachusetts, and Florida.
Mr. Portinga handles high-stakes, high-profile cases.
He currently represents USA Gymnastics, Inc., in a
series of sexual abuse cases involving former doctor
Larry Nassar. Mr. Portinga has also handled multimillion dollar cases for Stryker Corporation, Johnson
& Johnson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
Alticor, Inc., Ally Bank, Boy Scouts of America, Unum
Group, and many other clients.


  • J.D., University of Michigan Law School
    625 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1996
  • B.A., Kalamazoo College magna cum laude
    1200 Academy St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 1992

Practice Areas

  • Litigation
  • Insurance Policyholder
  • Counseling and Recovery
  • ERISA Litigation
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Products Liability
  • Appellate


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Contact Andrew Portinga

(616) 831.1772

Grand Rapids, Michigan

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