Andrew Nickel

(303) 628-3477

Denver, Colorado

About Andrew Nickel

Andrew Nickel centers his practice on health care litigation, medical negligence, and
professional liability. He frequently represents hospitals, physicians, mental health
professionals, and other healthcare providers on strategic legal issues regarding
complex litigation, risk management, and regulatory compliance.
While earning his degree at the University of Colorado Law School, Andrew was a
Judicial Intern for the Honorable Judge Neil Gorsuch at the United States Court of
Appeals, Tenth Circuit.


  • JD: University of Colorado Law School
    2450 Kittredge Loop Dr, Boulder, CO 80309 2012
  • BS: Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, CO 80523 2005,

Practice Areas

  • Insurance
  • Appeals
  • Litigation


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Contact Andrew Nickel

(303) 628-3477

Denver, Colorado

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