Adrian Wigston

About Adrian Wigston

Adrian is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a former OIG and DCAA auditor.  His practice includes assisting clients to navigate and respond to high impact audit findings and questioned costs, as well as providing support for internal investigations.

At DCAA, he specialized in Incurred Cost contract auditing and was a champion of indirect costing including complex corporate and home office allocations for large corporations with subsidiaries. He handled engagements for both CAS covered and non-major defense contractors. Adrian was also an auditor for the Department of Energy OIG and Department of Veterans Affairs OIG, where he audited grants and agreements and investigated allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse.

Adrian’s broad experience brings a unique background and understanding of international development environments and their inherent strategic and risk management challenges that will serve non-profit organizations as well as for-profit, and defense contractors.


  • University of West Florida, BSBA

Practice Areas

  • Investigator
  • Cost Accountant


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Contact Adrian Wigston

(509) 548-2195


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