How to protect my assets after death

Category: Asset Protection

Trials and Errors
How to protect my assets after death

The money you save can provide for your family after your death. However, to preserve this money from creditors and the government, it is necessary to take specific steps after dying. For example, assets such as bank accounts and investments should be transferred into a “trust” or “estate,” with you as the trustee of the... View Article

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Trials and Errors
Can I do a will myself or should I hire a lawyer

Many people do not think of the legal implications and consequences of their wills until they are in a tragic accident or death. Many times, these individuals could have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they had completed their will while they were still alive. A properly executed wills can save your family many... View Article

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Trials and Errors
What is probate and how does it affect my estate?

As many recent events show, sooner or later, we all die. And hopefully, death comes as sweetly as possible in our sleep at night, but just as often it comes unexpectantly. However, from a legal standpoint, the fact that a person has died, even if they have left a will, does not clear away the... View Article

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