The Myths and Facts Behind Estate Planning

Category: Estate Planning

Trials and Errors
The Myths and Facts Behind Estate Planning

The word “Estate” can have many different connotations depending on who is talking. Some people might link it with wealth, while others may refer to it as a vast collection of property or property that can be “left behind.” Regardless of how the word is defined, Estate Planning is a broad term for managing your... View Article

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Trials and Errors
How to Get the Most Out of Your Estate Planning

Estate planning is a complex activity. The first thing that needs to be addressed with estate planning is choosing the proper documents that best fit your situation. A variety of documents should be considered if you’re looking to create your own estate plan. These documents include a will, power of attorney, advanced medical directives, and... View Article

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Trials and Errors
Power of Attorney Explained

A Power of Attorney is when a person (usually over 18 years old) gives another person authority to make decisions on their behalf. It may be for a range of reasons, including being unconscious in the hospital, physically unable to make such decisions, or even if the person is deceased. In most cases, an attorney... View Article

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Trials and Errors
How to protect my assets after death

The money you save can provide for your family after your death. However, to preserve this money from creditors and the government, it is necessary to take specific steps after dying. For example, assets such as bank accounts and investments should be transferred into a “trust” or “estate,” with you as the trustee of the... View Article

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Trials and Errors
Estate Planning

Planning and estate planning have been around as long as there have been people. However, considering the addition of new technology and changes in society, estate planning has become even more essential as we age. With the advancement of technology, digital interactions with family members, legal documents, and electronic communication have made estate planning simpler.... View Article

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Trials and Errors
Estate Planning 101

Estate planning is developing and implementing a plan for distributing one’s property after death. It is valuable not only for avoiding probate it is also an essential asset in determining the distribution of your property. The key things that you need to consider when designing an estate plan are your family and personal goals and... View Article

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Trials and Errors
What is probate and how does it affect my estate?

As many recent events show, sooner or later, we all die. And hopefully, death comes as sweetly as possible in our sleep at night, but just as often it comes unexpectantly. However, from a legal standpoint, the fact that a person has died, even if they have left a will, does not clear away the... View Article

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How much does a living trust cost?

As many people know, the cost of estate planning often depends on what you hope to achieve with the end product. If you are looking for a living trust, the cost will vary based on who will act as a trustee and what type of living trust is created. A living trust is a legal... View Article

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