Andrew Sugerman

(734) 761-9000

Ann Arbor, Michigan

About Andrew Sugerman

Mr. Sugerman is a civil litigator who has successfully tried cases in every county in Southeast Michigan. Mr. Sugerman began his legal career and obtained extensive trial experience as a Senior Public Defender in New York City. Mr. Sugerman returned to Michigan and has maintained an active civil litigation practice, prevailing in over a hundred trials, in his focused areas of personal injury defense, general tort and negligence liability, insurance coverage actions and commercial litigation. In addition to an active trial practice Mr. Sugerman has prevailed in both the Michigan Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court.

Mr. Sugerman has lectured at the request of the Washtenaw County Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and the Automobile Club Insurance Association on effective trial advocacy in the defense of personal injury actions.


  • Washington College of Law of The American University, J.D
    4300 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016 1988
  • James Madison College at Michigan State University, B.A
    800 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Practice Areas

  • Personal injury law and litigation
  • Tort and negligence law and litigation
  • Insurance law and litigation
  • Commercial and general law and litigation


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Contact Andrew Sugerman

(734) 761-9000

Ann Arbor, Michigan

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