Christopher Alexander

(513) 228-1100

Mason, Ohio

About Christopher Alexander

Chris was born in Rochester, New York and grew up in the Town of Webster, a community similar to many of those in Butler and Warren counties. He graduated from Webster High School in 1990 and then attended college at the State University of New York, College at Brockport. Chris spent his final college semester as an intern in Albany, New York with the New York State Professional Assistance Program. This program assists licensed professionals who have acknowledged substance abuse problems, but who have not harmed patients or clients. The program allows professionals to voluntarily surrender their license while receiving treatment for their substance abuse problems rather than face charges of professional misconduct which may prevent them from acknowledging their addiction.  Chris applied to law schools in Michigan, New York and Ohio and decided to attend the University of Dayton, School of Law after visiting southwest Ohio for the first time 1994. In December 1997, Chris was one of the first two graduates from Universities new law school, Joseph E. Keller Hall. After law school, Chris was admitted to practice law in Arizona, New York and Ohio.

Chris focuses his practice in the area of civil litigation with a concentration in what is commonly referred to as “family law.” This includes representing individuals in divorce or dissolution of marriage, either by traditional litigation or by using the collaborative process. Issues also arise between individuals who were never married as well as those were formerly married. Chris has a track record of achieving amicable resolutions in a variety of areas including establishing shared parenting and in post-decree matters such as modifying child support and reallocating parental rights and responsibilities.

Chris is licensed to practice law in all state and county courts throughout the State of Ohio, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. He belongs to the Ohio State Bar Association, Warren County Bar Association, Butler County Bar Association, Clermont County Bar Association and is a former member of the American Bar Association and Cincinnati Bar Association.

Practice Areas

  • Civil Litigation
  • Family Law


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Contact Christopher Alexander

(513) 228-1100

Mason, Ohio

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