Jennifer Celentano

(203) 605-1111

North Haven, Connecticut

About Jennifer Celentano

  • Jennifer M. Celentano was born and raised in New Haven County. A graduate of Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York, her education also includes a semester at Trinity College in Wales. After graduating from Hartwick, Ms. Celentano lived in Boston, Massachusetts for several years and completed a graduate certificate program for Women in Government and Politics at the McCormack Institute of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts, Boston. While in Boston, Ms. Celentano was active in many community organizations, including the Greater Boston Diabetes Society, Young Professionals. Ms. Celentano participated in an internship with the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in its Compliance Department, and thereafter worked in the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel as a staff Assistant during the tenures of Governor William Weld and Governor Paul Cellucci.
  • Jennifer M. Celentano is located in New Haven County and covers all areas throughout CT. Please make sure you contact us for a consult by email or by phone. Let us know your needs and we will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know how we can help.

Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Divorce Law
  • Auto Accidents
  • Personal Injury
  • Employment Law


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Contact Jennifer Celentano

(203) 605-1111

North Haven, Connecticut

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