Graham Floyd

(912) 366-9000

Baxley, Georgia

About Graham Floyd

Graham Floyd is an associate with J. Alexander Johnson PC, having joined the firm in 2009. He received a BSA in Agriculture from the University of Georgia in 2004 and graduated from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in 2009. He is admitted in all Georgia state and federal courts.

Graham’s practice is primarily devoted to personal injury, domestic relations, criminal defense and civil litigation. He also assists in matters involving real estate, business and commercial litigation, wills and estate planning as well as corporate and municipal law.

Graham is a member of the American Bar Association, State Bar of Georgia and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity as well as other civic/service organizations and church groups.

He is married to Cristen Hatchett Floyd of Baxley, and they have one daughter.

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Domestic relations
  • Criminal Defense
  • Civil Litigation
  • Real Estate
  • Business
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Wills
  • Estate Planning
  • Municipal Law


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Contact Graham Floyd

(912) 366-9000

Baxley, Georgia

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