Kimberly Hudson

(334) 821-1908

Auburn, Alabama

About Kimberly Hudson

Kim graduated from Auburn University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Criminology. She then attended Cumberland School of Law. She graduated from Cumberland in 2000 and passed the Alabama Bar. Kim practiced law in Auburn from 2000-2003 and happily rejoined the firm in 2010.

Kim met her husband Tim while they were students at Auburn. They have been married since 1999. They have two daughters, Kennedie and Tess, and one son, Kade. Kim enjoys spending time with their children, watching Tim play baseball, doing philanthropic work, and reading.

Community involvement is very important to Kim. She and Tim co-founded the Hudson Family Foundation, a children’s based charity that serves children and families in need in Alabama and Georgia. Kim has served on the Board of Directors of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Georgia and Alabama and works tirelessly to help raise funds for the Aflac Cancer Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Kim strongly supports several additional children’s charities and works hard to further their efforts. Some of these organizations include the Atlanta Braves Foundation, CURE Childhood Cancer, The Rally Foundation, and aTeam Ministries.


  • Auburn University
    Auburn, AL 36849 1996

Practice Areas

  • Residential Real Estate
  • Davis, Bingham, Hudson & Buckner, P.C. has proudly built our residential real estate practice on service and professionalism.

  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Davis, Bingham, Hudson & Buckner, P.C. has a wealth of experience handling commercial closing matters in the East Alabama region.

  • Learn More business succession attorney Business and Transactional Practice
  • Entity Formation: Our lawyers will advise and represent clients on all aspects of the formation or reorganization of a closely held business…

  • Estate Planning
  • Davis, Bingham, Hudson & Buckner, P.C. provides comprehensive estate and business planning services.


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Contact Kimberly Hudson

(334) 821-1908

Auburn, Alabama

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