Kimberly Kent

(602) 264-5600

Phoenix, Arizona

About Kimberly Kent

Kimberly Kent is the founding and managing member of Kent Law Group a boutique law firm specializing in civil transactions and litigation. Ms. Kent is a trial attorney representing health providers and patients for over 28 years. She has successfully tried to verdict numerous complex medical malpractice cases with substantial exposure. She is a dynamic speaker who often teaches physicians, nurses, and allied professionals how to improve care through the art of documentation.

Kim has been married for over 30 years to a loving and smart civil engineer.  Gregg and Kim have two wonderful children (now adults).  Kim is a five-time marathon runner and masters swimmer.  She is a certified yoga instructor but her favorite thing to do it take long hikes with her dogs.  She is a third generation Arizonan.

Practice Areas

  • Civil Transactions
  • Litigation


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Contact Kimberly Kent

(602) 264-5600

Phoenix, Arizona

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