Gregory Robinson

(303) 887-0788

Denver, Colorado

About Gregory Robinson

Mr. Robinson has not advertised his practice in over 21 years. He does not pay to be named a “Super Lawyer”. All of his clients are referrals from other lawyers or from satisfied former clients. Most civil law firms do not have Criminal Law Departments. Mr. Robinson works with some of the largest, most respected civil law firms in the State on a regular basis, because they trust him to serve their clients.

You will rarely see his name in the News, because his clients (especially high profile people) want to minimize media exposure. Mr. Robinson makes sure to do what is in THEIR best interest, not what may seem to further his career or inflate his ego. Mr. Robinson recommends you to ask other defense attorneys about him. Better yet, ask prosecutors or judges, about him and his reputation. He has been awarded a Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent rating by his peers for over 10 years.

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense
  • DUI and DWI


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Contact Gregory Robinson

(303) 887-0788

Denver, Colorado

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