Andrew Adams

(651) 842-9100

Saint Paul, Minnesota

About Andrew Adams

Andrew Adams III is a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and member of the Tvlahasse Wvkokaye Ceremonial Grounds. Andrew has experience in the areas of federal Indian law, tribal constitutional law, tribal governance, litigation, gaming law, complex financial transactions,tax issues related to Tribal governments and individual tribal members, business law, employment law, treaty hunting, fishing, and gathering law, and government relations.

Andrew currently serves as Justice of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Supreme Court, Chief Justice on the Santee Sioux Nation of Nebraska Supreme Court, and Justice on the Gun Lake Tribal Supreme Court. Andrew currently serves as a Board Member for the State Bar of Wisconsin Indian Law Section, and previously served on the Board for the Federal Bar Association Indian Law Section and Minnesota American Indian Bar Association . Andrew has regularly lectured on Indian-law issues at seminars and conferences nationally. Andrew also serves as Chairperson of the Indian Education Parent Committee for the White Bear Lake Area School District / ISD624.

When Andrew is not at the office, he enjoys spending time with his children, visiting with family & friends, golf, being outside, coaching youth sports, hunting, traveling, playing flag football, watching football, stomp dances, pow wows, chilling on a beach, and running on a treadmill & outside.


  • J.D., University of Wisconsin
  • M.A., University of Michigan
  • B.A., University of Michigan

Practice Areas

  • Federal Indian law
  • Tribal Constitutional Law
  • Tribal Governance
  • Litigation, Gaming Law
  • Complex fInancial Transactions
  • Tax
  • Individual Tribal Members
  • Business Law
  • Employment Law
  • Treaty Hunting
  • fFshing
  • Gathering Law
  • Government Relations


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Contact Andrew Adams

(651) 842-9100

Saint Paul, Minnesota

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