Kelly Robinson

(336) 273-4422

Greensboro, North Carolina

About Kelly Robinson

Kelly Robinson is a client-focused Intellectual Property attorney whose practice is results oriented toward seeking, maintaining, and protecting client’s intellectual property rights. She has over 10 years of experience counseling clients in every area of intellectual property,

including transactional matters, licensure, and litigation defense and enforcement. Kelly assists clients in various fields to develop and protect their intellectual property portfolio, ranging from software, textiles, biotechnology, and electronics to chemical and educational advancements, mechanical devices, and innovation in the apparel and furniture industry. Communication with clients is important to Kelly to understand client goals, manage costs, and help the client plan, understand and make educated decisions regarding their intellectual property portfolio.

Practice Areas

  • Intellectual Property


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Contact Kelly Robinson

(336) 273-4422

Greensboro, North Carolina

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